In the year 2065, the world was a desolate place. Humanity had been decimated, with only a few remaining humans struggling to survive. Among them were the Augmentz, a group of individuals who possessed unique genetic modifications. However, it was not their genetic enhancements alone that set them apart; it was the distinct tattoos adorning their bodies that marked them as the Augmentz.

While the remaining humans faced the challenges of a decaying world, the Augmentz stood as a beacon of hope and resilience. Their tattoos, intricate and meaningful, served as a symbol of their augmented nature and their unwavering determination to reclaim their place in the world. These markings were not merely ornamental; they were a testament to their survival and their commitment to thrive in the face of adversity.

The Augmentz had undergone genetic modifications that endowed them with enhanced abilities and adaptability. These advancements allowed them to navigate the harsh realities of their environment, utilizing their augmented skills to overcome the perils that threatened their existence. Their tattoos, intricately designed and unique to each individual, served as a visual representation of their augmented capabilities.


As the Augmentz ventured into the remnants of civilization, their tattoos drew curiosity and intrigue from the remaining humans. These survivors witnessed the resilience and strength embodied by the Augmentz, seeing in their tattoos a mark of hope for the future. The Augmentz, in turn, used their enhanced abilities to assist the remaining humans, offering protection and knowledge in their shared quest for survival.

THE Originals

In the aftermath of the devastating global conflict, only a small group of individuals remained—the originals. These 25 men and 25 women were the last remnants of advanced humanity, a precious few who miraculously survived the cataclysmic events that had unfolded by finding solace in Antarctica. They carried within them the collective technology and legacy of a once-thriving species.

The originals were a diverse group, each possessing unique skills, knowledge, and backgrounds. They had endured unimaginable hardships and loss, witnessing the destruction of their cities, the annihilation of their loved ones, and the collapse of civilization as they knew it. They were the sole survivors, bound together by their shared fortune and burdened by the weight of their past.

Recognizing the fragile state of humanity, the originals came together, driven by a shared purpose to ensure the continuation of their species. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, they clung to the flickering flame of hope, determined to rebuild a future from the ashes.

Realizing that their limited numbers posed a significant challenge for the survival and growth of humanity, the originals made a momentous decision. They sought to transcend the limitations of their existence and pave the way for a new era of humankind. Drawing upon their collective wisdom, they developed a plan to enhance their genetic makeup, to augment their DNA, and create a new generation capable of thriving in the harsh realities of a ravaged world.


Through meticulous research and collaboration, the originals forged a path to modify their genetic code, incorporating enhancements that would enable their descendants to adapt, overcome, and flourish. They laid the foundation for what would eventually become the Augmentz, the next phase of human evolution.

With great care and responsibility, the originals ensured that the modifications were not simply about survival but also about preserving the essence of humanity. They sought to strike a delicate balance between progress and the preservation of core human values, imbuing their genetic legacy with empathy, compassion, and a deep respect for the diversity of life.

In a moment of profound sacrifice, the originals willingly accepted that their own DNA would not be carried forward in the new generation. They understood that their role was to provide the stepping stones, to pave the way for the Augmentz who would inherit the Earth. The originals embraced their unique position in history, realizing that their purpose was to lay the groundwork for a new chapter of human existence, even if it meant fading into the annals of legend.

  • 99% of all mankind was irradiated 99% 99%


In the grim year of 2035, a catastrophic event unfolded, forever changing the fate of humanity. It was a time when tensions between nations had reached a boiling point, and the world teetered on the edge of a devastating conflict. The catalyst for this war came in the form of a rogue Russian mercenary group that managed to seize control of nuclear missiles.

In an act of unthinkable aggression, this rogue faction launched their missiles towards Britain, setting off a chain reaction of catastrophic events. Responding to the attack, Britain, in a desperate bid for retaliation, launched their own nuclear arsenal towards Russia. The situation quickly spiraled out of control, triggering Russia’s “mutually assured destruction” doctrine. In a horrifying turn of events, the entirety of Russia’s nuclear arsenal was unleashed upon the world.

The global response was swift and brutal. Nations, caught in the frenzy of self-preservation, retaliated with their own nuclear weapons, leading to an all-encompassing exchange of destruction. The resulting chaos unleashed unimaginable devastation upon the world, decimating cities, obliterating entire populations, and leaving the planet scarred and desolate.

Amidst this apocalyptic nightmare, a stroke of luck shone upon a select few—the originals. These were the individuals who, through sheer fortune or strategic positioning, managed to survive the cataclysmic maelstrom. Shielded from the devastating consequences of their predecessors’ actions, these remaining humans were left to bear witness to the aftermath of their species’ self-inflicted demise.

As the survivors emerged from the ruins, they were burdened with the weight of their past, forever scarred by the horror they had witnessed. Their bodies bore no tattoos; they were the remnants of a time before genetic modifications and augmentation. These originals, lucky but haunted, carried within them the collective memory of a lost civilization.

United by their shared fortune, the originals embarked on a perilous journey to rebuild amidst the ruins. They sought solace in their shared humanity, endeavoring to salvage remnants of the past and forge a future from the ashes. With determination and resilience, they faced the daunting task of charting a new path forward, knowing that the mistakes of their predecessors must not be repeated.

In the wake of the global conflict, the originals vowed to learn from the horrors of the past. They understood that survival demanded unity, cooperation, and a rejection of the destructive tendencies that had led to their near-extinction. They would strive to create a world where conflicts could be resolved through diplomacy and understanding, where the scars of war could be healed, and where humanity’s darkest chapter would serve as a reminder of the importance of peace.

The war of 2035 stood as a harrowing testament to the devastating consequences of humanity’s own hubris. It was a reminder that the path to salvation lay not in division and destruction, but in unity and compassion. And as the originals set out to rebuild from the ashes, their journey would be driven by the profound understanding that they were the fortunate few, tasked with the responsibility of forging a better future for all who remained.


The Augmentz, with their enhanced genetic modifications and unwavering spirit, will play a crucial role in the future growth of humanity. Their abilities and unique attributes will enable them to contribute to the rebuilding and advancement of society in several significant ways.

Pioneering Scientific Research: The Augmentz will possess superior cognitive abilities and increased adaptability, making them ideal candidates for groundbreaking scientific research. They will delve into areas such as medicine, engineering, and environmental restoration, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and developing innovative solutions to complex problems. Their augmented intellect will accelerate technological advancements, leading to improved quality of life for all.

Nurturing Sustainable Communities: With their augmented skills, the Augmentz will lead the way in establishing sustainable communities. They will utilize their heightened physical capabilities and genetic modifications to cultivate resilient food sources, implement efficient energy systems, and develop environmentally friendly practices. By fostering self-sufficiency and promoting ecological balance, the Augmentz will ensure a prosperous and harmonious future for humanity.

Rebuilding Infrastructure: The Augmentz, with their enhanced physical attributes, will excel in the demanding task of rebuilding infrastructure. They will possess the strength and endurance to construct and repair critical structures, such as housing, transportation networks, and communication systems. Their dexterity and agility will enable them to navigate hazardous environments, facilitating the reconstruction of cities and the establishment of essential services.

Promoting Unity and Collaboration: The Augmentz, bearing their distinct tattoo markings, will serve as symbols of resilience and unity. They will foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among the remaining humans, promoting cooperation and collaboration. By leading by example and actively bridging divides, the Augmentz will inspire a collective effort to rebuild society, transcending differences and working towards a common future.

Guardians of Knowledge and History: With their genetic modifications, the Augmentz will possess an enhanced capacity for memory and learning. They will become the keepers of humanity’s history, preserving and passing on knowledge from the past to future generations. Through storytelling, education, and the exploration of remnants of the old world, the Augmentz will ensure that the mistakes and triumphs of the past are not forgotten, guiding humanity towards a more enlightened and compassionate path.

The Augmentz, as a group marked by their genetic enhancements and unwavering determination, will bring forth a new era of growth for humanity. Their contributions in various fields, their commitment to sustainable practices, and their ability to foster unity and collaboration will pave the way for a brighter future. As custodians of knowledge and agents of progress, the Augmentz will shape a world where humanity will thrive once again, utilizing their augmented abilities to rebuild, innovate, and ensure the survival and prosperity of all.